Claudia Valsells

“Painting is my job and color is my ally. My creations claim beauty as a visual experience. I believe when we experience beauty there is relief.”

Clàudia Valsells (1969) began as a mural painter, in 1992 she went to study mural painting at the Institut Supérieur de Peinture Van Der Kelen et Logelain in Brussels, to evolve as a colorist and finally as an artist where painting and color are her vehicles of expression. Currently Alzueta Gallery in Barcelona represents her nationally and internationally.

She combines her work as an artist with that of colorist in the fields of architecture and interior design.


  • Barcelona, España


Design for


This website is dedicated to all those people who, in one way or another, have helped this project/dream/desire to begin and take shape.

Special thanks to my wife and my parents for supporting me, to Cristina Escarrà and Alfonso Pérez Rosales for generously sharing with me their experience as agents, to those clients who, in one way or another, have given me wise advice, to the brands that have placed their trust in me, and to Gonzalo, my godfather, who, with his always generous help, and guiding me throughout this process, is largely to blame for the fact that I can boast of being an “entrepreneur”.

Thanks also to Nuria, Rafa and Guillermo, who, to help me in the hard beginnings of any entrepreneurial activity, have opened the doors of their home, let me share with them a bit of their personal lives when I pass through their cities of residence, and give me free accommodation.

Thanks to all!